My Sinatra based project

Posted by KP on April 27, 2019

To be honest I never understood the need to write a blog post about a software project you are working on.

Every boot camp and every code school forces their students to undergo such an ordeal. Because this is how I view it. As a totally unnecessary and fairly unpleasant part of my ‘modernize your coding skills’ journey.

Don’t get me wrong. I love writing code. I’ve loved this since my first program on a ZX Spectrum when I was 7 years old. But I do not see why I need to let the world know about this. Or about my experience or what I felt, or what I believe that I learned through my assignment.

To be fair, I understand that by detailing errors and their resolution as well as solutions to various challenges faced can give tremendous help to another fellow programmer that may be looking for a solution to a specific problem. However, I believe that this is something that more experienced coders should do, whenever they feel that they have applied a very elegant solution to a problem that arises often, in order to give back to the community.

I will never stop feeling that this should be completely optional. For me learning and all my life experiences in general, is a very personal thing. It is for me and me alone! For exactly the same reason, I have chosen NOT to start a personal account on Facebook or any other social media. Therefore, do not be surprised if you see this exact same text in all of my following project blog posts, with just a different title.

My Sinatra based project: DeviceTrack
